For three days straight now I have had vaginal spotting with cramping. On Monday, I went to the hospital and after all the tests were done, they decided nothing was wrong; but if I bled again to come back in.
Well on Tuesday, I had spotting again, but since it wasn’t bright red and or a lot, I did not know if going to the hospital again was the right thing to do. However it was early enough in the day for me to call my OB, so after explaining my concerns, and that I was in the hospital the day before and what there findings were, they recommend I go in for the bleeding, but also made an ultrasound appointment for the following day. With that said, I decided that I wasn’t bleeding enough to “cry wolf.” So I waited until the following morning to be seen.
Wednesday morning comes and I go see the ultrasound technicians. I explain my concerns again and they inform me that my ultrasound looks fine. I then express my concern about not knowing what the spotting meant verse San Francisco’s diagnosis. The doctor saw how much it affected me and recommended me to go to the hospitals triage center for further evaluation. He then stepped out and went to his office to make the arrangements. Well being that his office is across from the patient room I was in, I overheard his whole conversation with the Triage Center. He informed them that I recently visited UCSF and he did not agree with their findings, but could tell I was distraught due to all the issues with the baby. He then went on to say that UCSF did the wrong ultrasound and that he was going to be sending me over and “go ahead and just see her and then release her.” Overhearing that brought up mixed feelings. Should I go to the Triage? Is it worth another hospital bill? Am I overreacting? Which doctors am I to believe?
So first I texted a friend and asked if she ever experienced bleeding this early on? Her answer made my thoughts even more unsettling - saying that she didn’t experience bleeding until the end of the third trimester. Then, I called UCSF Fetal Treatment center and explained my concerns. Sadly the team of doctors in nurses were in a meeting and the operator informed me that she would have a nurse practitioner call me back as soon as they were finished up. Next, I phoned my father [in tears by this time due to stress] asking what he thought I should do. He agreed with my actions in calling San Francisco since they were the specialists.
Now don’t get me wrong, I understand doctors can make mistakes; but I believe a regular hospital would make it more than a team of specialists.
All in all, UCSF called back requesting that I come in for further examination.
So here I am.