We had our first scare last night. I was home alone watching our son, when I went the restroom and noticed a little blood on the tissue. The stakes were high – no less than life or death. What if something was wrong with our son? The wait for my parents to arrive to take me to the hospital was rather grueling for me. The tears leaked out the corners of my eyes as I sit in wait. I still did not really feel any hope – I thought the worst, thinking my uterus burst and this would be the nail in my baby’s coffin. My husband assured me it was probably nothing – just some spotting – that internet research is normal in a pregnancy. However, at this point, learning everything, I did not consider this a normal pregnancy. I had to act on instinct and do everything I could to make sure we made the best choice we could.
When we reached the hospital, my father dropped off my mom and I at the rotunda; but was soon stopped by the security informing us that only I could go in at this time [due to COVID-19 hospital regulations]. With hesitance I continued on, informing my mom that would update her once I reached triage. Continuing in, a nurse stopped me, and had me answer the normal routine COVID-19 questionnaire sheet and then directed
me to the L&D triage center. There they ushered me into room five where they hooked me up to machines to monitor my son’s heartbeats, my heartbeat, and any contractions. After checking me in with a series of routine questions about my history and last pregnancy, etc. the nurse then left saying the doctor would be in soon. After about an hour and a half, the doctor finally came in with a vaginal speculum, a tool that doctor’s use during pelvic exams made of plastic and shaped like a ducks bill. While cranking it open, she explained that she wanted to take some swabs of the area to see how the uterus and or baby was doing.
When all the tests were over and the doctors had a chance to review the results, a nurse came in to speak with us. She informed me that a new concern was discovered, but at this time, they were not going to do
anything now. It was simply a cyst discovered in my cervix. She was unsure if it was a tumor or just a mucus-filled bump; and explained that they wanted to wait to see if it got worse or ruptured. Not the news I was looking for, but I guess it is better than hearing the uterus ruptured or something was wrong with the baby. So overall, baby was fine, heart rate is good and my uterus is still intact, now I just have one more thing on my plate to worry about.
I was sent home at one in the morning with direction to follow-up with my OB that week and if any, more bleeding was to occur to readmit myself in the hospital triage center. Therefore, I guess I have to keep calling wolf until my lamb is born.
Are you back home?